I fell in love with Life today.
I looked into its eyes.
There I saw gifts:
I filled myself with Life today.
And we loved and loved.
I celebrated Life today.
And we danced and danced.
Spinning and spinning.
I must have danced too much
For I lost touch with Life's love.
I mingled with temptation.
Drank from others' sins.
I dove into a pool of ecstasy.
I knew it was forbidden, but I didn't care.
I lavished in the bad of it all.
My eyes couldn't focus.
My body couldn't slow.
I danced and I danced and I danced.
And then I heard a soft, soft sound.
Lovely singing, I thought at first.
Then I realized I was mistaken.
Life was weeping.
And the flowers died.
Birds couldn't fly.
Green grass turned brown.
We were faced with a drought.
Beauty could not live without love.
Oh and how Life's sorrow struck me.
Blow after blow.
But, I took too much.
It was my own fault.
And now it was too late.
In my own pity, I took Life so that it would not have to grieve anymore.